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491 Bond Rd.  |  Minford, OH 45653  |  P:740-820-3020  |  F: 740-820-3334
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Minford High School
Academic Offerings
2023 - 2024
Agriculture, Food,
 Natural Resources
Mrs. Kristin Dempsey
 Mrs. Kristin Stringer
Mrs. Anne Caudill 
 Mrs. Anne Caudill
Left to right:
Ms. Ashley Henry
Ms. Julie Gleim
Mrs. Sarah Laxton
Mrs. Michelle McCleese 
Ashley Henry Julie GleimMrs. Sarah Laxton Michelle McCleese
Family & Consumer Science
Mrs. Teresa Hayward 
 Teresa Hayward
Foreign Language
Mrs. Tiffany Pistole 
 Tiffany Pistole
Instrumental Music
Mr. Adam Porter
 Adam Porter
Left to right:
Mr. Brent Daniels
Ms. Caitlyn Marasek
 Brent Daniels      Caitlyn Marasek
Left to right:

Mr. Benjamin Bohlen
Mrs. Mariah Breech
     Ben Bohlen Mariah Breech
PE & Health
Mrs. Rachel Stapleton 
  Mrs. Rachel Stapleton
Left to right:

Mr. David High
Mrs. Paulette Weaver
Megan Mitchell
   Mr. David High     Paulette Weaver
Social Studies
Left to right:
Mr. Chuck Miller
Mrs. Jody Puckett
Mr. Jesse Ruby 
 Mr. Chuck Miller    Jodi Puckett   Jesse Ruby
Mrs. Sarah Laxton 
 Mrs. Sarah Laxton
Vocal Music
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Minford Local Schools
491 Bond Rd.  |  Minford, OH 45653  |  P: 740-820-3020  |  F: 740-820-3334
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